This document provides a dictionary for mapping metadata from various recording systems during import to new systems.
NICE Systems
- CVSKEY - Call ID
- CVSUSR - User ID
- CVSCID - Channel ID
- CVSCHN - Channel Number
- CVSCMP - Compression Setting
- CVSPHN - Phone Number
- CVSPHL - Censure List Key
- CVSDIR - Direction (0: Incoming, 1: Outgoing)
- CVSNBR - CLI number information
- CVSSDT - Start date-time of call
- CVSEDT - End date-time of call
- CVSSEC - Call duration in seconds
- CVSSTS - Call status (0: Normal, 1: Archived, 2: On Medium, 3: Restored)
- CVSARC - Date that call was archived.
- CVSARI - Call Index Number (archive medium)
- CVSDEL - Date call was deleted from system.
- CVSREC - Recorder ID
- CVSLCT - Call Location
- CVSMRK - Mark ID
- CVSREM - Number of remarks linked to this call.
- CVSGRP - Channel Group Name
- CVSORG - Channel Organization Name
- CVSTYP - Call Type (VOX, CDR)
- CVSRAS - Archive Status (0: Not archived, 1: Archived, 2: Partly archived: 3: Not Available)
- CVSRAD - EMC Retention Date
- CVSCIP - Calling Party
- CVSCEP - Called Party
- CVSRET - Retention period (days)
- CVSC00 - Custom field
- CVSC97 - Custom field
- USRKEY - User ID
- USRGRP - User Group
- USRSTS - Usr Status
- USRPHN - User Phone Number
- USRFNM - User First Name
- USRLNM - User Last Name
- USRHND - User Handle
- Interaction_Id - Archive Call ID
- Medium_Id - Archive Medium ID
- Retention_Id - Retention ID
- ArchiveDate - Date call was archived
- StartDate - Start date-time of call
- Due - Expiration date-time for call retention
A system specific list of available columns and related descriptions is available withi the MySQL database of each NICE NTR systems in the "cvd" table:
More Information
For more information please contact Nuclei's support team at hello@nuclei.ai.
Thanks!! ✌️
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