Nuclei Speech Recognition offers a straightforward and efficient transcription service designed with technical excellence at its core. Our system is built to recognize and transcribe a wide array of languages with precision and speed. It seamlessly handles various dialects and linguistic nuances, ensuring that the transcription of your conversations is accurate and detailed.
Our technology is equipped with advanced language processing capabilities to handle dynamic transcription needs. Whether a conversation involves multiple languages or a single language with diverse accents, our service adapts in real-time to provide consistent and reliable transcriptions. This adaptability is part of our commitment to simplicity and accuracy, making our transcriptions trusted for their clarity and fidelity to the content of the original communication.
Supported Languages
- English (en)
- Chinese (zh)
- German (de)
- Spanish (es)
- Russian (ru)
- Korean (ko)
- French (fr)
- Japanese (ja)
- Portuguese (pt)
- Turkish (tr)
- Polish (pl)
- Catalan (ca)
- Dutch (nl)
- Arabic (ar)
- Swedish (sv)
- Italian (it)
- Indonesian (id)
- Hindi (hi)
- Finnish (fi)
- Vietnamese (vi)
- Hebrew (he)
- Ukrainian (uk)
- Greek (el)
- Malay (ms)
- Czech (cs)
- Romanian (ro)
- Danish (da)
- Hungarian (hu)
- Tamil (ta)
- Norwegian (no)
- Thai (th)
- Urdu (ur)
- Croatian (hr)
- Bulgarian (bg)
- Lithuanian (lt)
- Latin (la)
- Maori (mi)
- Malayalam (ml)
- Welsh (cy)
- Slovak (sk)
- Telugu (te)
- Persian (fa)
- Latvian (lv)
- Bengali (bn)
- Serbian (sr)
- Azerbaijani (az)
- Slovenian (sl)
- Kannada (kn)
- Estonian (et)
- Macedonian (mk)
- Breton (br)
- Basque (eu)
- Armenian (hy)
- Nepali (ne)
- Mongolian (mn)
- Bosnian (bs)
- Kazakh (kk)
- Albanian (sq)
- Swahili (sw)
- Galician (gl)
- Marathi (mr)
- Punjabi (pa)
- Sinhala (si)
- Khmer (km)
- Shona (sn)
- Yoruba (yo)
- Somali (so)
- Afrikaans (af)
- Occitan (oc)
- Georgian (ka)
- Belarusian (be)
- Tajik (tg)
- Sindhi (sd)
- Gujarati (gu)
- Amharic (am)
- Yiddish (yi)
- Lao (lo)
- Uzbek (uz)
- Faroese (fo)
- Haitian Creole (ht)
- Pashto (ps)
- Turkmen (tk)
- Nynorsk (nn)
- Maltese (mt)
- Sanskrit (sa)
- Luxembourgish (lb)
- Myanmar (my)
- Tibetan (bo)
- Tagalog (tl)
- Malagasy (mg)
- Tatar (tt)
- Hawaiian (haw)
- Lingala (ln)
- Hausa (ha)
- Bashkir (ba)
- Javanese (jw)
- Sundanese (su)
- Cantonese (yue)
More Information
For more information please contact our sales team at hello@nuclei.ai.
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